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going back to high school make me feel exciting because I can live experiences? "Going back to school makes me feel nice because I can see my friends
Progressive return

 In fact, the only virus that affects humans that has been eradicated is smallpox - until now, considere the greatest killer of humanity and HIV continues to be a challenge for researchers But, as indicated the famous science popularizer Carl Zimmer in his book 'A planet of viruses
We carry between 2 and 10 million bacteria from the elbow to the fingertips. Wet hands spread 1,000 more germs than dry hands. Germs can stay alive on the hands for up to 3 hours.
Safe return to school 
It is globally recognized that, to reopen schools safely, sufficient distance and ventilation, frequent hand washing with soap or disinfection with alcohol or gel, and the use of a mask are essential,Good use of face masks is essential. It is important to keep spaces naturally ventilated. Maintain distance between people. Avoid long-term meetings
